Minnesota Life Insurance: Keep Your North Star Shining
In the North Star State, it’s nice to have that beacon of comfort reminding you everything is all right. In the winter, it’s undoubtedly a reliable home heating system. But for the future, Minnesota life is the light that keeps the future bright. Your family will get the protection they deserve, at the price you need, through an informed search for a Minnesota life insurance quote.
Land of 10,000 Options
Sure, 10,000 is a bit of an exaggeration, but it can seem like life insurance involves countless permutations. So let’s get basic: should you purchase a whole life policy or a term life one? It could be that your mortgage will continue for the foreseen future, or your 401k isn’t accruing like you planned. You may buy a policy that covers your family for your lifetime. That’s the whole life option. For a time when your needs are greater, such as until your third child completes college at the University of Minnesota, you can check the options for a term life policy, which will expire at the end of the defined term. And like the types of policies, the variations in cost are also pretty widespread. Just know that a 24-year-old Minnesota male costs less than a 39-year-old. Non-smokers get more favorable treatment. And the healthier you are, the better.
Minneapolis Whole Life
You feel pretty safe from danger in the City of Lakes. After all, you avoid car trouble and frigid conditions by utilizing the Minneapolis Skyway System and the Guaranteed Ride Home program. Your Minnesota life insurance quote, however, will depend more upon your age, gender, and size. And yet, shopping around will help you save. A whole life policy for $1 million, for example, can cost less for a wise 25-year-old professional female in Minneapolis. She’s 5’6” and weighs 130 pounds. She discovers a yearly premium of $830.
St. Paul Term Life
This is too much for the 50-year-old St. Paul woman. She likes the sound of $1 million in coverage, but pokes around for a Minnesota life insurance quote for term life. She hasn’t yet paid for a St. Paul Chamber Orchestra performance, after all. So she searches and comes up with a yearly payment of $520.
How to Get The Best Life Insurance Rates
Life insurance companies vary state by state. How life insurance is priced and offered differs as well. Here is a look into some of the ways you can ensure cheaper health insurance quotes at any age (Requirements may vary by company):
- Tobacco or Nicotine: Avoid the use of tobacco or nicotine products within the last 3yrs to ensure Non-Tobacco Plus preferred rates.
- Drug Abuse: In-order to secure preferred rates you must be drug and alcohol free for 3 to 5yrs.
- DUI (driving under the influence): Insurance carriers will ask if you’ve ever had a DUI. For favorable rates you can’t have a DUI within the last 10yrs.
- Blood Pressure: Having a health heart will go along way in securing the best rates. Ideally your blood pressure should be between 135/85 or better.
Many Options, One Search
Where should you start to uncover all the options you know are out there? Well, one free service makes comparison shopping incredibly easy. NetQuote.com will find quotes for you, so that you can select the one that matches your family’s needs. They’ll see a bright future every night.